Monday, November 3, 2008

My entrance essay for UM

What follows is the essay I wrote to get into college...the question was

"If you could be anybody for one day...who would it be and why?"

The answer...

"Through the course of my life, there have been several concepts that have become increasingly important to me. Among these ideas is the right to freedom and independence, the wish for peace, and the hope of being internationally known. Therefore, if I were to choose to be anyone I wished for one day, it would be Mickey Mouse.

The reasons behind this choice are mainly the result of what I am trying to achieve in my own life. First, Mickey Mouse, now nearing 60 years old, has gained in popularity throughout the world despite some of the most tragic wars and turbulent times in history. This illustrates how people all over the world look to Mickey Mouse as a symbol of hope and peace.

Secondly, Mickey Mouse has always aroused the curiosity and eagerness of childhood that I feel is the basis of all success.

Lastly, Mickey mouse has always represented the power of magic and the unknown. With this power, Mickey could have made an evil world for himself, but instead he created a Magic Kingdom were all are welcome. This characteristic of using power to it's maximum positive potential is very important because if you misuse the power given to you, it will be taken away as quickly as it came.

Perhaps my choice of a fictional character such as Mickey Mouse seems a bit unorthodox, but I feel it truly represents the successful person I envision for myself when I am nearing 60 years old."

That's it....Mickey Mouse...MY HERO!!

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