Friday, September 26, 2008

Media "Artists"

As you may know, I work in the advertising field. Actually, in the technology field in an advertising dept. Actually, I'm not sure which field...I just know they pay me to make judgements about how and where to communicate. The one thing that has become clear to me in 15 years is that everyone is an expert at what I do. Everyone consumes media. In fact, media is all around us these we all must be experts.... right?

Everyone is an expert, therefore, the implication is that what we do (media pros) do is easy...a machine can do it (ask Google). I've met countless creative types over the years that put their blood, sweat and tears into creating that perfect ad, banner, commercial etc. These ads bring a tear to peoples eyes. It's always all about the work. Nobody cries because they saw that ad on their favorite website..or mentioned in a Blog. Executives just want to see "the work". In fact, sometimes, the "where" never even gets on the agenda with executive types. So I'm here to say, unless someone puts "Art" somewhere....NOBODY WILL SEE IT. It does not exist.

Take this was created by the greatest artist I know father. I'm positive, if people were exposed to the breadth of his work, he would be a labelled a genius. Despite this talent (I encourage anyone to tell me what this picture says!!) if I did not post this picture here...nobody would know it exists (and that's fine with my dad). If a carpenter did not put a nail in the wall, nobody would see the Mona Lisa!

So to all those out there reinventing the communications world...let's reinvent a world where "Artists" and the "Carpenters" coexist and are valued equally. In fact, I would argue that some of the carpenters of the world may in fact be great artists as well. Imagine THAT if you can.

Maybe that's web 3.0...are we there yet?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Surrounded by Web 2.0

The web 2.0 world is just all the rage right? This is were everyone gets to know everything about you. Your boss gets to see those silly pictures of you in college, your wife gets to see those old girlfriends...and of course....people come out of the woodwork to be your "Friend". Isn't this all a bit silly when you think about it? If you really wanted to be my friend...can't you just call me? Wouldn't you know my kids names...where I live....what matters to me?

I'm prefectly happy not having all my "worlds collide" in about you? You want your boss to see those keg stands you did in college?

So, in the sprit of "getting real" check out this great video

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome to the Edge...

Hey everyone....I'm starting this page to explore this social media web2.0 world we live in. Should be fun. Feel free to say what you want...I will.

Be back soon.