Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Street Crackheads

As we observe the financial meltdown, does it strike anyone that what may be charaterized as reckless selfishness in one industry is labelled genius in others?

Think about it, to Wall Street types, the addiction is power and money (and maybe for the rest of us too). They feast on crackheads feeding an addiction. For this, the world labels them scoundrels...and we say "Throw them is jail"!!. We never said that as the market was booming, we were all making money...and life was grand.

Contrast this with the music industry. We see artists abusing themselves all the time (Britney...Amy Winehouse etc etc)...sometimes right on stage (check you tube). The result of this behaviour is either a train wreck of a performance...or pure artistry. Regardless of the outcome, we want more. We pay to see concerts, People magazine lives to see pictures of these people doing stupid things, we give them AWARDS!!! In general...we are happy to excuse this addictions becuase 1) it's entertaining 2)it doesn't affect ME!!

So as we make our way through another case of financial abuse...let's remember, abuse happens across all industries...all the time. Why is it that's it's only when it impacts YOUR wallet...that it actually evokes the anger and rage we currently see with the financial bailout plan. Let's get a little balance folks.

And for the record...I do believe that all the CEO's, CFO's etc who work in the failed companies...and wrote and sold these bad loans should be thrown in jail for a long time. And when they get out....make them live in these communities that have been decismated by foreclusures.

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